It is the most common site for cancer of the oral cavity, and greater than 95% of the cancers is SCCA (squamous cell carcinoma). It usually located in the lower lip (95%).
- Male predilection (20:1)
- Age at time of diagnosis: 50% patients between 50 and 70 years
Risk factors: sunlight exposure, lack of pigmented layer, tobacco smoking
Early: blistering, crusting, ulceration, or leukoplakia
Late: mandinular invasion, involvement of mental nerve
The goals of the treatment are; complete eradication of tumor, maintaining or restoring oral competence, and achiving acceptable cosmesis.
Small lesions are treated with either surgery or radiation only. Large lesions usually require combined modality therapy. Lip cancer has 15% of occult neck metastasis risk. The surgical treatment involves the lip excision with/without neck dissection.